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Global citizenship is a contested concept in scholarly discourse, and there are multiple interpretations of what it means to be a global citizen. Some have called global citizenship ‘citizenship beyond borders’, or ‘citizenship beyond the nations and states’. Others have noted that ‘cosmopolitanism,’ as a term, may be broader and more inclusive than global citizenship, while still others opt for ‘planetary citizenship’, focusing on the global community’s responsibility to preserve the planet Earth.
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Global Citizenship Education (GCE) has been applied in different ways in different contexts, regions and communities, it has a number of common elements, which include fostering in learners:
  • An attitude supported by an understanding of multiple levels of identity, and the potential for a ‘collective identity’ which transcends individual cultural, religious, ethnic or other differences;
  •  A deep knowledge of global issues and universal values such as justice, equality, dignity and respect; 
  • Cognitive skills to think critically, systemically and creatively, including adopting a multi perspective approach that recognizes the different dimensions, perspectives and angles of issues;
  •  Non-cognitive skills including social skills such as empathy and conflict resolution, communication skills and aptitudes for networking and interacting with people of different backgrounds, origins, cultures and perspectives; and 
  • Behavioural capacities to act collaboratively and responsibly to find global solutions for global challenges, and to strive for the collective good.


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